Room 2
17:40 - 18:40
Talk (60 min)
Flipping Bits: Your Credentials Are Certainly Mine
Did you know that if you change a single bit from 1 to 0 (or vice versa) in the first 'g' of the domain name (which is 01100111 in binary) you will end up with variety of valid "bitflip" domains like,, &
So what happens if you generate and register a bunch of cheap bitflipped versions of popular cloud / Saas provider domains, point them to your VPS, log all incoming requests & then forget about the whole thing for two years?
Well you will in fact receive a stiff bill, generate huge log files and eventually run out of disk space. But on the upside, you will also have collected a treasure trove of legit credentials & interesting stuff like valid OAuth refresh tokens, JWT tokens, bearers, cookies, emails, meeting invites with passwords & truckloads of internet scanner noise.
In this session we will revisit bit-flip research from the last decade and weaponize it. Showcase 'Certainly' a pioneering offensive / defensive tool that employs Wildcard DNS matching & on-the-fly generated SSL certificates and injects custom payloads for incoming requests across various protocols. All with the intention to downgrade security, harvest credentials, capture emails and replacing dependencies.